About our gens time, when in charge.
Did we do enough or anything at all.
Did we look outside our space or wall.
Did we take a look at the world at large.
The Silent Quiet Australian 11-02-2023
Did you hear of a person who said they care.
Did nothing, said as much, but didn’t dare.
Looked and cried and then kept it all inside.
All the while our earth just cooked and fried.
Pollies, opportunity in power do all they can
keep safe, follow status quo as ongoing plan.
Ignore until In retirement safe, to have a say.
Words of ACT now, out of risk of political fray.
Are we a caring example to our next gen
Or sit in comfort zone, leave it all to them.
To our kids will they be proud.
Were we silent or act out loud.
Can we answer to our grandkids mate.
Did we do our bit or sit still to hesitate.
Did we leave our actions until too late.
On climate change, water use, air intake
Not okay to say "Bullshit" from a 'Comfort Zone'
Living with memories of a time when rivers flow.
Water clean and clear, arriving at the very end.
Instead of stopping half way at the water bend.
Deep pump, like a predator, waiting for its prey.
Flowing water path, is captured, taken all away.
Private needs and greeds, far less for down stream.
They will have to wait, in the meantime, living lean.
A flow beyond water expands/transforms to a $ flow.
Turns into a currency for OS people that we don't know.
Aided and abetted by political interests of their very own.
Little care beyond their time in power, as is clearly shown.
More dams in rivers already struggling to fill those already there ?
Make no sense as the storages disapear and evaporate into the air.
The safest place to store liquid gold, is before our eyes, in the ground.
Reform is needed all agree but still we haggle, no resolution to be found.
Current Status:
Real climate paradyme change is still tied to umbilical chord of money:
The money god is already under threat for those who choose to see.
Ultimately a "Climate Accreditation Status" for access to a share of world markets will be needed to create the catalyst to drag recalcitrant nations, into the too late for many, world action.
'Local Australian Political Level Recognition' is unlikely to be addressed until expensive peoples houses with sea views start to fall into the rising ocean, then they will pick up phone to their own influential pollie party machine, to do something NOW
Primary Production: is already the canary of 'doing nothing' as it sits in the front line dealing with highly predicted greater frequency extremes of flood fire and drought with devastating effects on their bottom line
Urban Populations: Few apart from the 'willingly blind' will have missed the world wide destruction of peoples lives and the increasing level of public money band aid requirements.
Doing nothing punishes the many, while the rich may buy their way out in the short term
We have evolved from 'grim warnings' to harsh realities of $ expensive climatic extremes with much human discomfort, even death.
Climate change a nonsense ?
Tell fire & flood victems of over 12 months ago with still no release or improvement from their situation, it is nonsense