Penny Sue Gibson 11-12-18
Penny Sue Gibson is a natural delight.
Old fashioned values, knowing what is right.
A grin on her dial with eyes of piercing blue.
Her sense of humour, always shining through.
Claims to be a Kiwi with base of irish and Scot.
Thinks she is getting old but that is a lot of rot.
A friendly attractive combo is what I can see.
Has an inner life energy she gives out for free.
Penny, a Kiwi freeloader on our Aussie soil ?
Working hands show she knows how to toil.
Have met her only twice, in a pub, funny that.
Her gift of the gab, both times meant big chat.
So what to make of this girl with a funny mix.
For each positive criteria Penny gets all my ticks
How did I fare in the exchange? I came out a winner.
All because I got to meet an appealing Kiwi grinner.
Revolving Love 19-11-19
I spose you know you are not alone.
I spose you know that you are loved.
I spose you know why people care ?
You know that you are loved.
You know that people care.
Maybe sit in wonderment.
Of this kindness everywhere.
My friend you are but a mirror.
Just reflecting what you give.
Coming straight back at you.
From the ones you help to live.
Be Proud of what you give: