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by Hamish Holcombe

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  • Hamish Holcombe

The Muddied Muddle of Money:

Money muddies the human needs reality.

Promotes the innocuous greed by complicating the basic need for feed and water the most basic of human needs aside from shelter and purpose.

Becomes a tool for the pursuit of power backed up by violence and aggression.

Indeed it is worth noting that the majority of government announcements of achievement, is mostly in dollar terms and hardly ever measured in tangible physical achievements.

Most certainly, humanity comes in second to fiscal concerns, something highly noticeable in recent covid deliberations and comment about lifting restrictions.

Main stream agriculture around the world and indeed Australia is a brutal big hammer approach of destruction of natures resources for production of money under the guise of food.

Water and food become currencies in their own right for the pursuit of power and wealth.

A perfect example is foreign ownership in our most finite resource WATER.

An almond orchard in the New South Wales Riverina has been sold for a staggering $98 million to a foreign investment group.

Lachlan River, and water entitlements including 10,305 megalitres of Lower Lachlan groundwater 470ML of Lachlan River regulated high-security water and 1,443ML of Lachlan River regulated general security surface water.

To add salt to the wound, this sale promoted and backed by government .

In general, we strive to work against nature instead of working with nature to promote products that want to die by killing plants that want to live [Ask any farmer of crops what one of their biggest costs in time and money ? is killing the plants they call weeds that want to grow]

In reality, all plants have a purpose and weeds are merely a plant out of place.

A weed is a soil poor health indicator

"Production feeds from the fruits of environment"

"System fails when production is prioritised over environment"

Goal [sustainability]





In simple terms 'Greed ' is the complicating poison

We seem to blissfully unaware that in our pursuit of money over environment, we are also effecting what we are striving for.

Australia who basically has even less secondary industry than in previous years is heavily reliant on agriculture and other exports, including dwindling mining.

Agriculture in turn remains heavily dependent on favourable climatic conditions.

Current farmers bemoan the increased difficulties with the lack of reliable rain fall patterns to hydrate their soils for crops or grass and make the rivers run.

Inexplicably rural and regional Australia keep backing governments who do their utmost to exacerbate our climate instability rise with a refusal to even discuss climate change realities of reduced rainfall, rising average temperature, ice melting and oceans rising, all staring in our faces.

Given our country's natural dry status, it is rare any water movement is not another example of "Rob Peter to pay Paul"

For example the capture of traditional floodplain has the effect of stealing overland flows from riparian traditional owners. [First Australians and European descendants alike]

Transfers for the benefit of small percentage.

Incredibly, we land users as a collective, add to our own woes of unsustainable patterns, by clearing even more land to make our earths surface even hotter and more difficult for soil life to sustain growth and in turn, fiscal profitability.

A real loss/loss !

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