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by Hamish Holcombe

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The Complexity of Family Ties

We are all totally unique but in a complex sort of way.

We are from the melting pot of our extended gene pool

So in effect when we clash with family members, we are clashing with part of ourselves.

A part of ourselves that one may not recognise.

Or indeed maybe just not want to acknowledge.

Time is not on our side to allow any wallowing

Please find a lighter side of a private gathering.

The Family Gathering 29-09-2022

In their dribs and drabs they roll on up.

Some very casual, others all dressed up.

Mixed gender, age and individual style.

Enthusiastic hugs and greets as in they file.

All gathered round with the news and beers.

Until an age old stoush bringing on the tears.

When tempers start to rise in an igniting flash.

Of personalities of different views cause a clash.

As the discussion tone and volume turns to yells.

With some subsequent glares turn to silent spells.

The kids now ignored all the while just run amuck.

Sneaking bottles into the back of the old farm truck.

Circle work and doing wheelies having so much fun.

A turn too late, a crash in post, think the fun is done.

Oldies all now wide awake, forget about their blue.

As minds drift back to when they got in trouble too.

Party over to pile back into cars all the energies spent.

More hugs and smiles thinking wasn’t that a great event.

See family is one big mixed all round, a melting pot.

All bits of us in each other can turn us into a fiery lot

Hamish Holcombe 29-09-2022

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