Negative Self image, young and old, steal the joy of living.
Too much to do in the limited time we have on earth.
To worry about what others think of the way we look.
Far more important is how we contribute in what we do.
Textiles pose the question why?
Would one expose body to the sky.
Imperfections for all around to see.
What you have is just will have to be.
Head to toe, tums and bums.
Look all the same in the sun.
Oh the feeling of the walking dawn.
Just dressed the way we were born.
The gentle breeze and sun in the sky.
Here is the answer to the question why ?
Pure freedom as the breeze it hits.
Family pride, fur and other bits.
Top of head to the derriere.
Not a stitch stopping the air.
Nobody judges because no one dares.
Nobody perfect, all can see, all are bare.
Body ever changing from baby to the grave.
Most of us far from the body that society craves.
You truley are bloody perfect just the way you are.
Accept, believe, go with your strengths, you will go far.