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by Hamish Holcombe

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  • Hamish Holcombe

Power of Cosmic Connections:

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

Random occurences just happen beyond rhyme, reasoning or understanding.

Eight years after Edward, life rolled on, I believed I was coping very well.

That was until an unplanned chance visit to the local for a quick 'cold one'

Where I had a chance meet with a total stranger with a strong connection.

The whole experience took no longer than three beers and under an hour.

After it was complete I experienced a violent letting go of grief and pain.

Left me with an extroadinary feeling of being set free to really move on

There are of course memories that will always be and should always be.

A process that made me forget minor details with words that made no sense.

When all was done and driving home twas like I had never had the meet.

No contacts, in remorse I made attempt to apologise but she had long gone.

A warm and gentle person is the image in my brain, no number, no contact.


Took a total stranger.

To release the pain.

Memories to remain.

Tears fully released now no longer flow.

Left with just a missing that will never go.

Name of Laura, her accent told me from the US States.

kindly face, blonde hair, cap pulled down, sitting alone.

Quick gooday, oh sorry mate didn’t see you on the phone.

All okay sipping beer, I missed eye contact she tried to make.

Took a seat, conversation flowed, just like I already knew this soul.

Sharing with a total passing stranger, she told me of her of life tale.

Quite comfortable I in turn, in total trust, gave my own story in detail.

Situations matched, both lost someone close, each with a loss of whole.

Aching, grieving for she had lost her life companion, mate soul and friend.

Really thought, after 8 years I was doing better than ok, as solid as a tree.

Then armour dropped, grief bottled up inside erupted full, to make me free.

The body shook, rage arose, the tears they flowed until they found the end.

Scene exploded then remorse, gave me release, what she got was an anger show.

Left in own pain She tried a comfort reach with her hands as I went on my way.

Harsh involuntary words, most probably never see her again, so all I can do is pray.

A special prayer that Laura finds same release, when her time comes to let it flow.

Have to leave it to the universe to let her know to say my big “Thank you”

Lift grief that sits below until some stranger sets it free: " ReleaseYou Too”

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