The Positive Lead to the Start of Day 5-7-2020
“To some it's their cup of tea.
Others just to peruse the daily rag.
And to some it is their fag.
But far more important than all of that.
Before you go out and put on your hat.
To really start the day off just right.
And keep you going right through to night.
You'll need your morning session on the throne.
And as history has repeatedly shown.
If you neglect to attend this morning chore.
It will come right down to murphy's law.
No time is right throughout the day.
which leads me to what I have to say.
Say good morning to the resident frog.
And sit down for your early morning bog”
Tis all in the planning how you start the day.
Want to achieve full potential in a positive way.
It is a time journey, just like a drive in your car.
Only negative battery lead, you won’t get too far.
Connect your positive clamp, start hitting the tar.
For potential unknown to where the limit is high.
Floor the pedal to metal and watch your day fly.