"The occasion was rare that I missed nightly news".
"A social tradition passed down through the years"
Of News and Views 27-5-19
Always made the time for 7 pm news.
Plate of cheese with an ice cold beer.
Until the wakening, just others views.
Not our choice as to what we can hear.
A morbid scene totally devoid of cheer.
The printed word is no source of relief.
Suspicious agendas of what I hold dear.
We are at the mercy of the editing chief.
Did ‘Smirky Smo’ really believe that lie.
Who really cares about Trump’s last take.
Australia best interest ? you wonder why.
Irrelevant news is the headline news break.
All that you can believe is what you can see.
Just enjoy beer and cheese, silence the rot.
Tis a positive action, your time is now free.
To talk to real people, your own family lot.
We live in a world where we will survive.
Not because of our governments mode.
More for the reason, our internal strive.
Work harder and double the work load.
The pollies instead continue their ride.
Fully indexed, lest costs leave them short.
A look of entitlement if we choose to deride
And plaintive denials when exposed of a rort.