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by Hamish Holcombe

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  • Hamish Holcombe


Some connections that never get too old, no matter what the years may say.

Northern Venture Series 7-5-19

1. Of Red Bertha, Mad and Me.

[An unexpected trip starting with a phone call “Hey Dad can you deliver a red truck to Katherine” “Oh yes can you bring some horses and dogs as well” On the way through Longreach I was joined by Maddy Hayward for the balance of the journey through Queensland and NT to Katherine. We laughed, talked shit, broke down lots and were helped lots but we made it in good spirits]

Headed north to the territory.

Red Bertha LR Mad and Me.

With 7 horses and dog or two.

To Katherine, Jannelle and Blue.

Hummed along the flash red truck.

Warning lights, we would need luck.

Soon enough, the gears, ran amuck.

Could not move, mate we were stuck.

Maddy looked at me, why don’t we go.

I twiddled useless gearstick just to show.

I have not a clue, simply just don’t know.

Bertha laughed and said try it now, slow.

Joke was on us as we make some kays.

Bertha still playing, planned more delay.

Before long, she would be making us pray.

That we may reach Camoweal on this day.

With a hiss and a fart, main air hose burst.

Grinding to a halt just expecting the worst.

Sun beating down starts to build up a thirst.

No cold beer until we can start Bertha first.

From behind a truck with a man called ‘Jase’

To help get us going, from our roadside space.

Horses are edgy, kicking and starting to pace.

Cab wont lift to repair burst hose or replace.

Out came his tools spread everywhere.

Jason gave us his time so willing to share.

Constant talking either to us or into the air.

Bertha won’t win this, she just wouldn’t dare.

From his truck fridge, two ice cold beer.

But both were for Maddy, how is that fair.

Packet of ‘Red Skins’ appeared from his lair.

Jase was willing to help so I really didn’t care.

Comes a new truck face to see what is wrong.

A pair in a ute, now we have five in the throng.

With cussing increasing in language quite strong.

Dodgy repairs were completed for us to drive on.

So we drove off into the night with a tired cheer.

Leaving our helpers, not moving sucking cold beer.

With dark in the west , horses and dogs in our rear.

We continued our journey in our bodgied up gear.

Somewhere in the distance a light twinkled in sight.

Until we could see the Camoweal pub shining bright.

Stools on the table, they are now closing for the night.

Fast talk, unload horses, beer feed and bed will be right.

Next day in the NT, fire red truck ran like a dream.

It would never ever break down or so it would seem.

Some Mataranka cold ones to cool down our steam.

Katherine ahead, Maddy and me, what a travelling team.

2. With the Challenges come Rewards.

[The challenges turned into rewards as we persisted against the odds]

So plans you envisaged didn’t quite go that way.

In fact what actually happened was totally not ok.

You had to dig very deep to avoid a complete loss.

And you really thought that you were the big boss.

Tried something different in the hope it may work.

Had no other choice, first plan was a complete jerk.

When way off the beaten track you are on your own.

When no one near to ring for help, no signal no phone.

When it’s broke it’s only you to do, work a way to fix it.

Think out of the square, what is out there, simple shit.

You tried left field impossible, quick prayer to the lord.

Something clicked in, personal triumph, you have reward.

3. Be a “No Trouble at all” Person because “ Returns will come in Spades”

[A thumbs up to all the people who took the time to assist when we were broken down. Would we/you interrupt your days plans if you chanced upon a person in need. I have both received and given and both choices give good lasting vibes]

See someone in trouble and you have a busy day.

Take some time to think, before you speed away.

“Busy” is a useless, nondescript word we often use.

Mostly when we fail to plan with our time abuse.

Tis all about priorities, how we spend our time.

Any time we help another, makes humanity shine.

Think the time your stranded, your day a total fall.

When the one that helped said “No trouble at all”

It only took an hour or so, to get you on your way.

And you in relief, reclaim the balance of your day.

The human interaction is the hidden plus for sure.

People of all walks of life, you have never met before.

4. Ingredients of a Travel Mate.

[A sense of the ridiculous and humour are essential ingredients. Luckily for me and the trip, Maddy had bucket loads of both which she surely needed for travelling with me]

No room in cab for egos, you are sitting side by side.

You are both committed for the entirety of the ride.

Dress code not important, choose any colour or style.

It becomes totally irrelevant as you eat mile for mile.

Bring your sense of humour, bring your sense of fun.

You’re surely going to need both before the trip is done.

Don’t forget some earphones lest your partner sings.

Out of tune, repeated lines with the pain they bring.

There will be some breakdowns, time you will not own.

Signal will be limited and so will be the use of phone.

Keep watch out for each other, lest they be not well.

Keep an eye on driver, who may be looking for a spell.

Only you in cab will appreciate the funny times shared.

Impossible to tell in words, descriptions how we fared.

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