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by Hamish Holcombe

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  • Hamish Holcombe

Mature Farmers B & S, A Clearing Sale

In Australian country the B & S scene short for "Batchelors and Spinsters" is a district get together for young and young at heart, of the bush community.

Males in dinner suits with riding boots and females dressed to the nines in formal gowns.

As time progressed, the dress code was relaxed to some degree.

By the end of the evening in some instances, there was little resemblence to the start.

As the relentless years roll on for us all , people get married with family, something had to replace the social district community get together:

ENTER the ever present 'Clearing Sale"

Where a wide range of second hand goods and items are brought together at one venue, usually a sold property, an auctioneer is engaged to sell the items.

A local group like a Church or school run a stall to supply food and soft drinks.

Normally at the end of the sale a bar is opened for all to engage in social chit chat and quenching a hot day in the sun dry throat thirst.

It is here that out-grown B & S patrons, continue district socialising.

Hopefully for any reader not aware, my words and pics will have painted an understanding of this iconic Australian rural scene all round the country..

When rural folk outgrow Bachelors & Spinsters scene.

To congregate at next ‘clearing sale’ they will be seen.

Begin arriving early from miles and miles around.

Dreaming as they drive of a bargain to be found.

Utes and trucks of every size condition and shape.

Locals fill the carpark, even some from interstate.

Occupants unload, crazy mix of sizes, hats and boots.

Care not if others think, of dress code style of a ‘galoot’

Most are here with single aim to mix and meet old mates.

Keep quiet on special items, lest they outbid to raise the rate.

Simple cosmic plan to rotate ‘stuff’ around the countryside.

To create a new pile to be put in own shed, stored safe inside.

As adults mix to meander through the rows, kids are left to go.

To run with their mates, gathering dust, grime from head to toe.

P & C stall or local church keep them full of coke or snag or pie.

Run by volunteers from home kitchens of town and district wide.

Big loud call brings all to heel with a bellow of ‘SALEO SALEO’

Talk stops cause tis why they are here, to pick a bargain of the show.

Now we come to clearing sale astute fiscal judgement.

After kicking tyres in age-old custom to test is vehicle is any good.

Some pay close to new or per chance pay more than they should.

Old trucks become antique as stakes are raised to another level go.

Does it run, is it complete, ‘as is-where is’ honestly no one knows.

Womenfolk no restraint bid high on furniture plants pots and pans.

Specific names and uses of which are mostly unknown to their man.

The Sale is finished, the agent girls are busy going through the line.

Of successful buyers, checking lot numbers, paying for their find.

Early leavers all loaded up kick up the dust as they head for home.

All the while bar is open, the thirsty, treat the place like a throne.

Dusty boots, slaking thirst, to chew the fat in the machinery shed.

Tomorrow another day to unload, perchance with an aching head.

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