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by Hamish Holcombe

Welcome to Ginger Trunk Creations, my very own passion project filled with unique poetry and photography. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps Ginger Trunk Creations will ignite your own passions as well.

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  • Hamish Holcombe

Living Shame, Needs Feeds and Greed

All out of sync at Individual, National and International level .

Countries use stockpiles of food, hidden away, not for use, but for financial gain.

Supermarkets, local and international , daily throw good food out to rot away.

Produce sale specifications centre on image and shape at the expense of quality.

Producers are forced by law deemed 'not healthy' to discard whole crops for outer blemishes.

Packaged 'Used by dates' are the tool to create waste and facilitate fiscal manipulation


“Our Sick and Delusional World”

Individuals or nations are all the same.

As a collective we all share the shame.

Review real values, the world is a mess.

Yearn for big money to measure success.

No pile big enough, we must have excess.

Greater success, the greater the greed.

Until excess greed replaces basic need.

Real world life goals where all get a feed.

Piles of rotting food and starving still die.

So far from success we are just living a lie.

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