Beware The Moral Compass 14-4-19
Sitting up in your lofty place of class.
You need to comment, cannot pass.
You wonder however they got that way.
What did cause their life to go so astray.
You offer your gift of ‘Moral Compass’
Some friendly guidance, bit like a mass.
So you tell them about right and wrong.
Ahh to be so perfect, you need a gong.
Maybe it was just a case of ink on skin.
No time taken to see the person within.
Single Mumma, didn’t miss your view.
You told her straight what not to do.
Those drunken youth, what a disgrace.
Missed young you, totally off your face.
As you sit in your perfect comfort zone.
Think times you prefer not to be known.
Special secrets you want no one to hear.
If released you would have reason to fear.
So if the brain starts to form worldly advice.
Stop! Think! Is it helpful, Is it true, is it nice ?
Your moral compass will become a farce.
If your own history shows your real class.