We continually search for happiness, contentment and peace.
In parallel with hate for some people, we may not even know.
Darkest thoughts so grim and dire, dwell inside, not on show.
Tis only when the hate is gone, we will receive complete release.
Hate Mistake 22-11-2020
Hate is just a wasted energy space.
Be they family close or other race.
You have a delusional goal in vain.
If you believe you cause them pain.
Your target most likely has not a clue.
And effects them little, even if they do.
For the person that you hurt the most.
The generator of the hate, you the host.
Takes full life space, penetrates your soul.
Til at last you lose perspective and control.
Hamish Holcombe 22-11-2020
Hamish! I didn't know you had it in you!! Very good.