When you’re brave enough to shed the clothes,
To your amazement, all judgment simply goes.
For you and them are human beings, just the same.
Different imperfections, little faults with no shame.
For what is value is your person, just your inner you.
Your core that starts and stays your whole life through.
A core that lives in your temple, perfect reason to celebrate.
‘It is what it is’, all you have, so you should just accept it mate.
Revealed will be those that like to hide behind an expensive suit.
You all know the big noting type that says ‘I am better, I have loot’
If when you’re looking through your body young, to someone old.
Do not judge, just remember one day you will join them in that fold.
Young or old we are all the same, only difference is a time frame.
Specifically designed that way, they are basic rules of the life game