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by Hamish Holcombe

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  • Hamish Holcombe

A Genuine Country Pub with Friendly Country Style & Service

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

On my pub crawl job description of the Darling Downs.

Bowenville Pub 21-11-19

If looking for a flashy modern water hole.

With sterile surrounds and polished floor.

Full of trendy suits and high teck patronage.

You won’t find it in ‘Bowenville’ metropole.

You will find instead a genuine country pub.

Friendly smile meets you at the entrance door.

Locals nod and sit firmly In each designated spot.

On tap is ice cold beer, rum and darned good grub.

You front the bar, choose a brew, relieve your thirst.

Closest patron leans across “How is it going mate” ?

Before returning to the task of his expert subject talk.

The glass now empty, is refilled exactly like the first.

No need for idle small talk “Will you like another drink”

My money sitting on the bar silently completes exchange.

Unlike flashy venue where the question’s asked each round.

The money is there and I am here, what do you bloody think.

A ‘peeing boy’ in flashing lights telling all males where to go.

When they get the urge and the need to drain the main vein.

The girls all do the trek, somewhere way down, out the back.

After 10, the trek too far “Coming through” if anything’s on show.

So if you are looking for Australian, Dinki Di, venue to rest a while.

A place where on return they will know your poison and your name.

You won’t meet any agro, no judgement, be accepted just as you are.

Leanne and Wayne, the spot to go, great service with so much style

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